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HSC Annual Activity Report 2023

  • 2024.06.24


Toshio Hasegawa, the first chairman of the HSC (Hair-dressing Scissors Consortium) has retired and Makoto Hagino was appointed as the second chairman of the HSC. Yuji Kawano has also joined as a new member, replacing Toshio Hasegawa.

As previous year, we hold meetings once every one to two months, to exchange information among member companies and advance HSC's activities. We hold seven meetings in 2023.

To improve reliability of the HSC, our trademark has been registered in 15 countries /regions, and the five member companies ship their products with "HSC tags." This activity is intended to increase awareness of the HSC, and the total number of tags used has already exceeded 50,000, approaching 100,000.

We also worked on following activities to dispatch information.

1.Made a new page “Anti-counterfeiting” on the HSC website.

2.Completed editing of glossary regarding hair-dressing scissors.

3.Continued conference presentation and paper submission for Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity

In 2024, we will activate the above “Anti-counterfeiting” web page, and print and utilize the glossary. We have also decided to publish a paper in the journal of Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity to be published in June 2024. In addition, we will organize the glossary and each member company’s study session materials, and make the "Scissors Textbook," aiming to publish it within this fiscal year.

We also made HSC banners that can be displayed on a table at the end of 2023. If you see it at exhibitions, we hope it will remind you HSC and our activities.

HSC Chairman Makoto Hagino